This is my pendulum, it was given to me as a gift last year and I have kept it out when most other things went into a box.
I used to ask it a lot of things, some answers I didn't like and some I did. But it was most often right. I have not asked it anything for a while now and then last night I had one of those vivid dreams, a very real dream in which I was using it and damn me if it wasn't a true guide after all, so with the dream in mind I got up this morning and asked it some questions.
I didn't much like the answers because no matter which way I asked it insists on one thing when everything else in the world screams the other.
So now I get a confused Monday, do I believe the dream and the follow up or not?
My mind has been open to so much the last few years but I'm not sure if I can trust the 2+2 of dreams and new age spirituality making 4 when the 2+2 of life and world scream a different 4
I'm not sure which way to go, perhaps I should ask my friend on the left here :-)
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